Master Spell administers spelling drills using the Mac’s speech capabilities.
Built-in Test Editor for Custom Spelling Word Lists
Master Spell includes a test editor so that tests can be easily created, edited and tested for correct pronunciation without learning any arcane syntax. See 8. Creating Tests
Individual Scoring and History
Each user gets a pupil file which contains the detailed results from the last drill the pupil took, a log of the pupil's score history, the pupil's “troublers” along with the pupil’s misspellings for those words and the pupil's last dril results.
Multiple Review Options with Variable Emphasis on Troublers
For each pupil, Master Spell keeps a rotating list of the last 50 misspelled words. These troublers can be integrated into drills randomly with the Integrate Troublers checkbox on the front panel. It is also possible to test on the troublers alone by saving the Troublers as a test and then loading that test. And one can study their troublers and misspellings and clear the troublers list from within the History window.
At the end of a drill, Master Spell prompts you to option to retry any misspelled words for half credit.
Comprehensive Score Analyzation
At the end of a drill, you are presented with the History window which shows you your entire last drill in a manner simlilar to if you had taken a written test. The History window always shows you how many words you’ve tried with this pupil and your total word average. The Drill Log keeps track of a rotating list of your last 200 drills. The Graph allows you to visually see your progress over a period of time. See 7. The History Window
Mastery Goal and Certificate Print-out
Depending on the size of the test, Master Spell will require that you score between 95%-100% for a given number of words within 10 drills in order to achieve “Mastery” for that test. The status of your Mastery and what is required for Mastery are presented in the History window on the Mastery Status tab. See 10. Home Lesson Plan.
Animated Owl
Learning is a little more entertaining when it is more personalized. The animated owl is featured in the drill and in the hangman game. Try clicking on the owl.
Hangman Game
For a learning diversion from the rigors of spelling drills, try the hangman game.
Two-tier Password System
Passwords for both Pupils and the Teacher can be turned on and off. The Teacher password is a "Master Key" to all Pupil files. Teachers can change their passwords and decide whether or not Pupils can change their passwords. See 5. Paswords
Multiple Class Support and Class Editor
Pupils may be divided into classes so that an entire school may leave all the Pupil files in one file structure. Pupils may choose their class at any time or be prompted when Master Spell is launched or when a pupil logs-off. Teachers may conveniently edit the settings of a class of pupil files at a time and switch between classes easily. All of the settings for all of the pupils in a class can be edited at once and selectively applied to single or multiple pupils. This is a fast way to assign a particular test and number of words to a whole classroom quickly. See 9 Classes and 11. School Setup
Support for Centralized Files in a Mac Lab
Master Spell can share a large centralized set of Pupil files and Tests with other users on a network, allowing any user to use any lab Mac. In addition, a single set of preferences can be used for all lab Macs, ensuring consistency and simplifying the changing of settings on multiple Macs. See 11. School Setup
Pupil Restricitions
The teacher can:
• Disable New Pupil Creation
• Disable Test Selecting
• Disable Number of Words
• Disable Integrate Troublers
• Disable History Clearing
• Disable Pupil Password Changing
• Disable Drill Cancellation
• Disable End of Drill Retry Option
Printing of Last Drill
Master Spell will print a copy of your Last Drill results in a using the Print Last Drill… button in the History window.
Printing of Graph and Drill Log
Master Spell can print your graph, number of words drilled on, total word average and complete Drill Log using the Print Graph and Log… button in the History window.
Printing of Troublers
Master Spell will print your troublers along with your misspellings so it can be used as a study sheet to study your misspellings and correct spellings.
Printing of Certificate of Mastery
Once you have achieved mastery for a test, you can print a Certificate of Mastery acknowledging that you have mastered that test. See 10. Home Lesson Plan.
Master Spell picks words randomly and, in so doing, avoids giving the same word more than once in a drill. Redundancy only occurs if the test list contains less words than the number of words you choose to have administered or if the Integrate Troublers option is checked.
Alternate Spellings
Master Spell accepts alternate spellings for words. If the word is spelled correctly, Master Spell will present you with the alternate spelling. If the word is spelled incorrectly, Master Spell will present both spellings. Alternate words can be added using the built-in test editor.
Adjustable Pronunciation and Definitive Clues
Master Spell lists allow the ability to give definitions, examples and clarification for words that are pronounced the same way but have different spellings and different meanings.
Audible and Visible Correction
Misspelled words are presented letter by letter visually and audibly when they are misspelled during a drill so that you can compare your misspelling to the correct spelling.